
Ultra Fitness Gear Handless Sandbag (Unfilled)
The majority of sandbags are made with handles and fancy filler materials. Handles may add variety to routines, but they often result to poor execution. They are a convenient way to hold and maneuver sandbags, but convenience isn’t the way you become fit or develop brute strength.
So if you’re training with sandbags, ditching the handles will prove better in the long run.
Why Handle Less Sandbags Are Better
Besides developing strength, sandbag trainings are intended to improve your grip. You need to stress your hands to grab the sandbag with its shifting fillers. Whether you twist, rotate, or simply carry the sandbag, you toughen up your grip in the process. You don’t need handles to do that – just a quality sandbag with strong materials to keep up with your training.
The Ultra Fitness Gear Handless Sandbag with Three Fillable Interior Bags is made for this. Best used for advanced strength training, its handle less design ensures you build a powerful grip. With 3 interior bags, you can adjust the weight as you go along your routine. Because it’s made with quality materials, you can grab the loose fabric and grip it with a powerful fist to lift or row the bag. This move prevents wasted energy and bag rips often seen in sandbags with handles. More importantly, it’s the way sandbag training should be done!